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Policy for Investment on PSEZ

•Will receive the authorization Investment and one stop services from PSEZ Economic Executive Board in period of 99 years.
•The Developer from which P-SEZ Economic Executive Board authorized Investment will receive policy for all of Family members to have his residence at P-SEZ with
the policy on exemption of income Tax. In case of the Investment surplus 3.5 Million dollars the Developer have the right to request to the Lao Government through P
SEZ Economic Executive Board to consider for Lao nationality citizenship in reference to the constitution and Law of Lao P.D.R.
•Capital from Investment, the Developer have the right to protect, expense, transfer, right to receive benefit and inheritance by this Investment Agreement, the mandate
representative or Power of attorney of asset will recognize and approve all of terms mentioned in the Investment Agreement.
•Will receive the privileges policy of Tax and duties for Import Machine - Equipment construction, Vehicle, Raw material, finish product, Equipment for his own
construction material in P-SEZ in period of construction.
•Will receive Policy on the Exemption of import Tax and Duties in the sector of Import raw material for production period .
•Income from Business operation of Developer will receive exemption of Profit Tax in period of 3 Years to 10 Years depend on Nature and sector of Business Investment.
•The Investment more than 100.000.000$ US up, after expired date of grace period for exempt of Tax , the Developer will receive privileges on lower Rate payment of
profit Tax of the normal practice, and will receive the honorific compensation with special award from P-SEZ Committee.
•Have the right to import all Vehicle for Management using of his own project with exemption of Import Tax by using the registration Vehicle of P-SEZ, service payment
by year in minimum rate policy and can be travelling outside of P-SEZ and foreign countries (under using the standard document for travelling Vehicle).
•The Investors has the right to bring the source of Fund for investment, promotion by himself without limit numbers and kinds of currency transfer to invest in P-SEZ by
Transaction system set up by Banking system registered in P-SEZ

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1. Law on Investment Promotion, No. 02 /NA, Vientiane Capital, July 08, 2009. (Only Lao version)

2. Law on Investment Promotion (new edit), No. 14 /NA, Vientiane Capital, November 17, 2016. (Only Lao version)

3. Decree on Special Economic Zone , No. 443 /GOV, Vientiane, October 26, 2010. (Only Lao version)

4. Decree on Special Economic Zone , No. 188 /GOV, Vientiane, June 07, 2018. (Only Lao version)

5. Decision On the Organization and Activities of the Special Economic Zone Promotion and Management Office, No. 1970/MOPI, Vientiane, August 15, 2018. (Only Lao version)

6. Decision On the Organization and Activities of the Special Economic Zone Authority,  No. 1971/MOPI,    Vientiane, August 15, 2018. (Only Lao version)

7. Development Strategy for Special and Specific Economic Zone in the Lao PDR, 2011-2020.


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